We earned trust of business owners and management boards:
Action | ADN | AIP Business Link | Airly | Akson Studio | Alior Bank | Alstom Power | Amadeus | Ambimatic | Arche | Arcus | Autopart | Avility | AWD | B4PM | BBDO | BDO | Bel Polska | BEST/ Board of European Students of Technology | Bird & Bird | Bisnode | Blikle | Bobby Burger | BOŚ Bank | CamMedia/ Larq Capital | Carrot Spot/ Luxmed Benefity | CAS | Carrefour | CCC | Codogni | Clarena | Clever Link | Clever Logistics | Costa Coffee | Credit Agricole | Croonwolter&dros | CTDI/ Regenersis | Dajami | Deni Cler | De Novo | Dr Irena Eris | Dr Koziej | Dr Zdrowie | Ecobean | EIT InnoEnergy/ CC Poland Plus | Energy Invest Group | Er-Drob | Euroimpex | Exorigo-Upos | EY | Fabryka Urządzeń Dźwigowych | FK Partner | FreeVolt | Gardenza | Geopost | Glov/ Phenicopter | Gremi Communications | Grochowski Construction | GTL/ Katowice Airport | Harvey Nash Alumni | Hand2Band | Impel | Impel Volleyball | IndaHash | Infovide-Matrix | Ingeus | Invest Bank/ Plus Bank | JMP Flowers | Julius Meinl | Kancelaria Skłodowscy | Kea | KGHM | Kogeneracja/ EdF | Lectus | Link4 | Lokum Development | Lumiko | Maspex | MDDP | Mecenas IT | Metalerg | Mindspace | MP Partners | Muniak | Nafta CE | Nałęczowianka/ Nestle Waters | NC+/ ITI Neovision | Netto | Nomi | Orange | Orico Food | Piekarnia Lubaszka | PlasticExpress/ Contra | Play/ P4 | Polska Agencja Prasowa | Profit Development | Real/ Metro | Rethink/ Digital Champions | Samsung | Sanofi | Schneider Electric | Selena | Sidly | Sierant | SKK | Smagała Strzelczyk | Solaris Optics | Spectra | Speednet | Symantec | Szlachet-Stal | Teatr Ochoty | TelForceOne | ThinkTank | Tomczykowski Tomczykowska | Tomstyl | Ulalachef | Vaco | Vantage Development | Vest-Pol | Viva Manufacturing | Vox /Concordia | Wiko | Wojewódka i Wspólnicy | Work Service | Wropak | Yellow House English | Zgoda.net | Zakpol
CFA Society Poland | Confederation Lewiatan | Employers of Poland | Foundation in Support of Local Democracy | Humanites Institute | Ministry of Economic Development and Technology | National Centre for Research and Development | Poland Innovative | Polish Agency for Enterprise Development | Polish Humanitarian Action | The Association of Independent Non-Executive Directors
AGH University of Krakow | DSW University of Lower Silesia | Kozminski University | Lazarski University | Royal Insitute of Technology in Stockholm | Silesian University of Technology | SWPS University | Warsaw Management University | Warsaw University of Technology | WSB Merito Universities | WSB-NLU | WSB University