TARKA EXECUTIVE conducted the second edition of the Business-People Research™. BBL™ 2016/17 is aimed at managers and entrepreneurs. Warsaw Management University is the co-investor in this edition of Research.
TARKA EXECUTIVE’s Business-People Research™ is aimed at discovering real and effective patterns of operation of Polish managers and business owners. This distinguishes BPR™ results from the wishful and fashion-driven “management news” disseminated by some publications and training.
BPR™ is based on the Six C-s™ management model developed by TARKA EXECUTIVE. The Six C-s™ model has been the basis of many successful consulting, research and educational activities for owners and CEOs of the most dynamic and largest companies present in Poland and Europe.
The BPR™ study takes the form of a focused, strictly confidential structured interview with the management person. Each of the interested BBL ™ participants also receives Individual Feedback from TARKA EXECUTIVE’s Experts on their attitudes and behaviour in the area of business, organisation, and people – against the background of the best market practices.
BPR™ 2016/ 17 revealed three main trends in the field of people management in business. They were confirmed by our interlocutors during the Individual Feedback Sessions:
1. Poor mood of managers related to unpredictable market environment,
2. A depleted, often to a minimum, work environment in business – limiting the chances of the emergence of talents,
3. A tide of young employees that is incomprehensible to managers and difficult to control.
Each of the above three phenomena affects the functioning of bosses, the effectiveness of the organization and the level of involvement of their subordinates. The results of BPR™ 2016/ 17 show that for businesses operating in Poland, both foreign and domestic, it is necessary to take non-standard, innovative actions. Actions aimed at our return to strong leadership based on human rituals.