Tarka Executive’s talks to proprietors and executives of the greatest and most dynamic Polish brands. We are inviting you to participate in the confidential and personal Brand Pride™ interview.

One of the corner-stones of Tarka Executive’s mission is to provide leaders (of businesses, organizations and institutions) with the most reliable insights concerning the surrounding reality. Our insights provide owners, CEOs, and other key business decision-makers with the strong and lasting impact – versus market, society, economy and labour forces . This kind of impact is provided by the Brand Pride™ programme (Duma Marki™).

The founders, owners and decision makers of the prominent Polish brands have already joined our interviews: Arche | Akson Studio | Alior Bank | AWD | Blikle | Clarena | Cam Media | Dr Irena Eris | Impel |  Katowice Airport | KGHM | Nałęczowianka | Play / P4 |  Selena | Work Service.

The goal of the Brand Pride™ interviews is to discover the most positive trends and working blueprints for success, accompanying the development of the strongest Polish brands. Each of the founders, owners and decision makers will receive their research results against other major expanding Polish brands.

The Brand Pride™ interview is based on the original holistic brand management model called Brand Vortex™ (Wir Marki™) developed by Krzysztof Tarka, managing partner of Tarka Executive’s . The model defines the brand as a unique and complex market, leadership and social phenomenon – hence, the metaphor of the vortex.

We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the Brand Pride™ programme.

* The Business-People™ research (Badanie Biznes-Ludzie™) is another Tarka Executive’s research program, which was a breakthrough against the stereotypical thinking on executive management in Poland [link].

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